DYKE A Quarterly, no. 3. 1976. pp 21,22 They're Your Teeth, How long will you kkep them?
DYKE A Quarterly, no. 3. 1976. pp 6-12 Letters

DYKE A Quarterly, no. 3. 1976. pp 13-20. Making A Backpack by Cherrie Cox

Dyke No 3 p 13

Making a backpack. Pattern. Cherrie Cox. DYKE, A Quarterly No 3, 1976


I designed this instructional kit to give DYKE readers one formula for creating their own backpacks. this is one of my attempts to involve women more in the thought and actual production process of the things that we wear and use. I want to redefine clothing in a sensible and  sensuous way and help other women think thru their own definitions. I have been doing this for over a year in my business "Silver Linings." I make soft sculptures, back packs, clothing, banners, and various other things we all use. I'm interested in working with other women and sharing ideas.

This is an instruction kit for a day pack with a zipper front pocket and adjuctable shoulder straps.

Cherrie Cox

Dyke No 3 p 14

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Dyke No 3 p 20


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