DYKE A Quarterly, no. 5. Fall, 1977. Back Cover
DYKE, A Quarterly No. 2: Who Gets Left Out When The Music Starts? by Linda Shear

DYKE A Quarterly No, 6, 1978, Back Cover

We proposed an issue on Lesbian media. It was going to be issue No. 7. The magazine folded before we could publish it, which is a great shame. Irene Young took these amazing photographs so at least we have this stunning graphic.

DYKE A Quarterly No.6 Back Cover, photo by Irene Young, lesbian buttonsDYKE A Quarterly, No. 6.1978. Back Cover. Photos by Irene Young. ©Tomato Publications 1977, New York


Women's Buttons in DYKE A Quarterly. Send us a button* of a photo of buttons to be used in a photo essay on Women's Buttons in DYKE #7, Lesbian Media.

This issue will feature essays, interviews, resource lists and graphics on different forms of Lesbians communications: magazines, newspapers, letters, posters, buttons, fliers, video, films. We are looking for articles and news for this issue

DYKE pays for everything it prints. Remember we will always print non-theme related articles, so don't hesitate to send other work,

A subscription to DYKE, A  Quarterly costs $8.00 for four issues. A single copy costs $2.25 in women's and gay stores. $275 by mail. Please address all correspondence, submissions and make checks payable to: Tomato Publications, 70 Barrow Street, New York, NY 10014.

*Please send us a button or a photograph of your favorite woman's buttons. Please tell us the size and colors of the buttons if you send us a photograph. Please tell us, if you know, when it was made, who designed it, what is the event, place, group action or idea that it describes. We would prefer to keep the button if you have doubles, be we can arrange to return them to you if you request. We will not return photos. Please send clear, sharply focused, black and white prints. No slides please. Thank you.

Photographs:  Irene Young


Lesbianism is Revolution, button, circa 1970LESBIANISM IS REVOLUTION

1" purple and white, designed by Denny Covallo for Gay Women's Liberation Front, New York City Circa 1970







DYKE button circa 1974, photo irene young ,dyke a quarterlyDYKE

1" purple and white

circa 1974


Stars and dykes forever, button, delia davis and denise wong, photo irene young, circa 1973STARS AND DYKES FOREVER

1" red, white, blue,

designed by Delia Davis & Denise Wong

New York City, 1973


Amazon warrior button,DYKE A Quarterly , photo by Irene Young, lesbian buttons


1" black and white

drawing from Greek Vase

California, circa 1975





Tykes and dykes button, photo irene young, dyke a quarterlyTYKES & DYKES

1 1/2" black and white

designed by Tykes & Dykes

New York City, circa 1976



Lesbians ignite, button, photo irene young, dyke a quarterlyLESBIANS IGNITE

1" red and white

?Philadelphia circa 1974

Photos by Irene Young. ©Tomato Publications 1977, New York


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