DYKE A Quarterly No. 2, 1976. Rated XX: Recorded Women's Music. Review by Liza Cowan
DYKE IS OUT: the original contact sheet

DYKE at The Museum Of Modern Art Library, New York City


Milan Hughson, chief of the LIbrary, Museum Of Modern Art, NYC, Dyke a quarterly 2012
Milan Hughston, Chief Of The Library, MOMA NYC, with DYKE A Quarterly. Photo: Liza Cowan

DYKE A Quarterly is archived at the Museum Of Modern Art Library in NYC. Today I went to see it in situ. My host was Milan Hughston, Chief of the LIbrary & Museum Archives. I assure you, it was very exciting.

And for total referencing- and infinite regression of referencing- you can visit their TUMBLR where they documented the visit. 


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